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First Sweater Completed!

Here is my first sweater, complete! The pattern is from knitty (Three Times Knit Chic) and the yarn is Bernet Harmony. I increased the needle size for gauge. I also changed the neck, mostly because I didn't follow the directions. heh. I never follow directions. For example, another big change I made was to add a crochet edge to the bottom hem. Otherwise, the stockinette rolled more than I wanted it to. When I cast on, I thought I was okay with that, but as it turns out, not so much. So I used some contrasting yarn, and I think it looks good: exactly the effect I was aiming for.

I love this sweater! It fits just like I wanted it to: a little big, but not sloppy. It feels just like a warm hug. I did the finishing on Thursday, and wore it to work on Friday. I've wanted to wear it every day since, too, since its warm, and soft, and the sleeves hit just the perfect length.


Anonymous said...

Look out for Milo, he might steal your sweater since its been so cold.

Anonymous said...

oh wow! lovely sweater! Yeah, I agree with you about the bottom. I think you chose a great contrast colour.

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