Finally, a bit of picture update. The socks on the left are socks that I knit for myself, Sockotta. They are summer anklets, so though I didn't quite get all of the cuff, there isn't much else there. The foot stripes did that all on their own. It doesn't exactly match, but I think its kind of cool. I have enough for another pair of ankletts, and have actually started the second pair, of a certian someone ever tells me what size shoe she wears.
Oddly enough, the socks on the right are also socks that I knit for myself. I finished them quite some time ago, and forgot to post about them. They are made from Opal. I've been trying to find some more orange-y Opal on sale on E-bay, but I keep getting outbid. I know someone who would like some knit socks in orange, and I'd like to get them done before the Pumpkin Festival in Keene. Its not until the end of October, so I still have some time.
Milo is helping us out with the laundry, so that's all I have time for right now. (And yes, he did walk in there himself. Getting him out again is another story.)
Socks look great! Also, Also, you are a winner in my MDK Hefty Bag O' Yarn giveaway -- go check for more details, and to send me your mailing address!
I am helping Kristy respond to all the knitters that have signed up for CAP!Thank you so much! We are so excited about the tremendous response! We are sure that this will be a success. If you have any questions you can e-mail at
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