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Sleeve Blues

Approximately 100 years ago, my sister gave me some lovely blue, pima cotton yarn, more than enough to make a sweater. Back in November, I started to make a sweater with the pattern she was so kind to send along with the yarn. Its a nice, simple pattern, mostly stockinette with just a bit of basketweave stitch at the hem, cuff and neckline.

I had delusions of finishing it for NanoSwaMo -- I have no idea why I thought I could make my second ever sweater in a month, on size 4 needles, when I waited until week two to begin. It didn't happen. But in February or so, I knit the front. The neckline gave me a bit of trouble, but I think it will be okay when I go and pick up the stitches for the basketweave border. I'm hoping, anyway.

So now all that's left is the sleeves. I've been telling myself very firmly that there is nothing to sleeves, its just more of the same. Its not working for me, though. I've already knit and ripped out five or six times, and I've only managed a few inches of sleeve at the most.

I had trouble casting on the correct number of stitches (repeatedly.) I finally got the right number, and then forgot to do all six rows of the basketweave pattern. I tried to convince myself it wouldn't matter if I only have four, but it really does make a difference. The sleeves roll up without those extra two rows, and I know it would drive me crazy forever. So I ripped them out.

As I was ripping out my sleeves again last night, I told James about the Yarn Harlot searching all through her stash for the yarn she wanted to make a scarf. (Trying to make myself feel better that I am not the only knitter who does stupid things like that.) He is of the opinion that she must be a bear. I don't know if Stephanie would be flattered by this observation, but it did make me feel better.

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