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Hooray for Summer Anklets

July has been . . . not very fun. Nothing serious, but not much fun, overall. Here's hoping August goes better.

First up, I finished my Sockapalooza socks! Never fear, I finished these up a week ago, plenty of time before the deadline. I even took the picture a few days ago. What picture? Well, its still on the camera. And the camera seems to have dead batteries. But I'll get there -- maybe.

I have been recovering from my bout of startitis, with only a couple relapses. Much of it was gift knitting, which got shipped off without pictures, and summer anklets for me, which aren't very exciting (and I seem to take them directly out of the laundry and on to my feet, making it nearly impossible to get a picture of them while clean. And really, if one is going to be photographing socks, they should at least be clean, right?)

The summer anklet thing does seem to be getting slightly out of control. They are like chips, I can't seem to just knit one (pair.) And the more I knit, the more I want. I get to the end of the week, and look in my sock drawer, and all my light, summery knit anklets are gone! Clearly, I need to knit more. Which shouldn't be a problem; in fact, I have another pair on my needles right now.

I've been using almost exclusively Sockotta and Toofutsies to knit up the summer anklets. They each have their seperate advantages, and disadvantages. The Toofutsies is soooo soft. I mean, they are softer than my cat. But its very fine yarn, and while that makes them very cool and comfortable, it means I've got to knit them on US1. That's tough on my writs and hands, and very slow going. Very slow.

Now, the Sockotta is a bit rougher. Quite a bit, I think. They seem to wear well, and I knit them on a larger size needle. So not only are they easier on my hands, but they whip up in no time. The other day I had an anklet knit just past the gusset decreases, and spent a Saturday running errands around town (such painful errands like, going out to lunch, and going to the movies) and by the time I got home, I was ready to start the toe. That is fast knitting, and I am not a fast knitter! Because I don't knit at the movies. No rewind button, so I can't see again what I missed when I looked down to make sure I haven't dropped a stitch, and totally missed the key scene.

What I really need is a yarn that combines the best aspects of the Sockotta and the Toofusies. And comes in the same kind of beautiful colors. Because I think the thing I love best is the wonderful colors.

1 comment:

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- Laura

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